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Next day emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Morning comes less eventfully today as you wake easily. The shelter has withstood the test of the night's storms and appears to be holding up against today's torment as well. The rain still falls and most of the creatures are no where to be seen. With most of the creatures in hiding and rain deafening most of the insects, it's a very droll day. Hunger comes over you now as you're realizing that you've not eaten in over a day. You venture out to find food but cannot catch even the smallest thing in the rain. Frustrated and tired, you resort to foraging for fruits or berries. You're in luck as you only look for a short time before finding some fruit. After bringing it back to the shelter you eat your fill and save the rest for the next day. With nothing else to do and the sun setting uneasily for the second time, you hunker down to sleep again. The storms once more sing you to sleep in a most foreboding manner.

Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsun on 05 March 2013

The Sixth day

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