The bright morning sun bakes your fur as you lay on the ground, waking slowly. The water has finally left and the skies remain clear. After sunbathing for a while you take off again on your journey. The ground becomes smaller as you fly high and fast. Everything screams past you in a flury of sound and light. The horizon and the ground meld as you jet through the air. The forest leads to an end at the base of a mountain. Deciding a change of scenery sounds good, you dip low toward the mountain and touch down on what appears to be a path. The many greens and sounds of wildlife are replaced with the grey and blue rocky masses about you. The only sounds come from a few bugs, scattered few and far between as well as the light evening wind whistling through the many caves and outcroppings on the face of the mountain. Traveling by paw up the the side of the mountain you catch every sight there is to behold. The grand view and crisp air leave you breathless. The astounding beauty strikes at your heart. You suddenly hope you don't return to your other world anytime soon. The hike up the mountain takes hours but it is well rewarded as more and more of the landscape becomes visible. Once near the top you are taken by the sunset that flies overhead. Beautiful shades of red and violet pierce the late evening sky as the sun sinks.
Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 21 April 2013