Look at that smile he gave you the moment you said it. You’re tired and you like this guy, so choosing to stay at his place for your rest is definitely a good decision.
Lucia lived in one of the dormitories provided by Eden. No wonder he knew so much, he’s one of the staffs here. That also explained why he’s a little geeky. Adorable, still, knowing someone who had the body of Captain America but had the brain of Spiderman. That’s how you would describe Lucia in short.
The two of you chatted so much, and even managed to slip a flirt or two at each other, that by the time you arrived at his room, Lucia had tried to make his move. Providing some drinks, turning on the music, makes you comfortable with pillows on the sofa you sit on, and slipped his hand around your waist not long after he sat next to you.
Looks like he’s not as innocent as his face seemed to show.
“I’ll be honest,” he whispered when he started to kiss your neck, you forgot when exactly his hands had started to grope your chest and hips, “depends on how you reacted, I can be either gentle or rough.”
Uh… is that a challenge or a warning?
Written by kelingking2 on 15 May 2016
The end (for now)