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Cougar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The outfit barely covers your manhood and your rear end, though there is a considerable amount of padding in both sections. The main part of the outfit is a furred bodice that squeezes your chest making it look larger and also supporting them. The outfit is completed with fishnet stockings, opera length gloves, Boots that go up to your knees and a domino mask.
The final touch is a fluffy tail attached to the garment.
You look at yourself in the mirror.
"I look ridiculous" You voice sounds odd. The costume has the effect of changing your voice so that it sounds higher pitched.
You look around for an alternative but the other costumes have disappeared. You are committed to this now.
As if reading your mind the costume comes alive and starts the transformation Your body begins to change.
You feel a tickling sensation in your nose and try to resist but it is futile so you give in and take a hefty snort. The new scents overwhelm your brain and you instantly go into a trance. Now the costume is in complete control of your actions.
Your mind however is still aware of everything that is happening. You just can't do anything about it.
You feel your heels lifting as you change to a digitigrade stance.
Your legs twist and stretch with muscle growing all over them to support their new form.
to fit the costume's aesthetic desires. Your feet meld into new positions and your toenails fall off only to be replaced with sharp claws.
The most notable change occurs around your genital area. You feel the costume's magic completely eliminating your manhood. You can't even feel it anymore. Your hips are expanded to accommodate child birth if necessary.
Their is a warmth around your chest and you feel it expanding. You assume this is also part of the costume but you can't be sure.
You find yourself staring at your reflection in the mirror. Your tail shifts back and forth and the tips of your ears begin to curve forward. The most obvious change is the nose. It has lengthened into a snout and your eyes have turned green.
You look around and find a small mirror nearby. You walk over to it and inspect your reflection.
You have been transformed into a anthropomorphic female cougar.You feel a little dizzy as you stand. You quickly steady yourself and test out your new body before looking around at the changed room

Written by AI Dungeon on 11 October 2021

The end (for now)

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