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Run away emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar


You can’t accept him. You just can’t. It doesn’t matter that he makes you confused about your sexual preference. Not even when you feel the same need as what the female side of you find arousing. You refuse to accept this fate, so you run away.


Regardless of how strong the female leopard tries to fight you, you just take off, blessed by this unseemingly newfound strength. In a split second, you head back to the same way you came from, hoping to find your way back to the darken costume room. This time, you don’t need her cooperation anymore, but you don’t know just how long this will last.
It takes a while, but finally end up in the same room you once started. You have no idea if the snow leopard is tracking you down or not, so you make a hasty decision to lock up the room from the inside. You shiver every time you close your eyes and picture his piercing blue eyes.
No, you’re safe now. You just have to stay put, and everything will be alright.


Once adrenaline stops driving you, you get back to the same state as before, unable to control your body movement unless with the help of the female side. She’s angry that you’ve kept her away from her chance to be bred. She urges you to go back out there so she can complete the ritual, but you’re too stubborn and choose to stand on your ground.


Written by Stella Purple on 26 September 2017


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