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Return From where you came from emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You decide you’ve had enough of this place. This world is nothing like it’s cracked up to be. You don’t want to be part of a world where you are the oppressed. Why can’t things just be happier and more straightforward? Why should you have to work for your happy ending? You’re personally glad that this door has finally turned up. It’s time to stop being what you’re not and try something more to your liking.


You walk through the door before taking one last look behind you. You see the world and the city and the people all around you doing their daily things. There’s a part of you that thinks there’s still room for improvement. Your resolve still begs you not to go, that you can still make a difference while you’re here, if you don’t just choose to give up.


You eventually shake your head in refusal. You’re never coming back to this place and that’s final! As you open the door, you find your back in a familiar place. You have returned to the room with various costumes inside.


What new adventures will you embark on? What new face will you put on?

Written by wrathofautumn on 15 May 2018

The end (for now)

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