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Bite the tree emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You scowl and try to think of something else. That’s when an idea strikes you, and you wonder… how powerful are these new teeth of yours?


You crouch down a bit, close to the base of the trunk, and open your mouth. Your mouth opens much wider than you expect it would, and you lean in to bite onto the trunk. The taste of the bark hits your mouth, but you ignore this and chomp.


To your astonishment, your teeth pierce through the wood. One bite, and you’ve torn away half of the trunk. You stand up and spit out the debris to the ground, then do this once more. The amount of trunk bitten off is enough to weaken the tree - it collapses onto the ground with a heavy thud.


The sound echoes. You wipe your mouth and peer about, yet you see nothing, nor hear anything else.


You shrug and, after taking a moment to admire your new handiwork, you go to collect your food. You grab the first coconut, ripping it free from the tree, and bring it to your mouth. You figure, hey, if you can bring a tree down with your shark teeth, surely you can split a coconut open, right?


You lodge it into your jaws and chomp. You may as well be biting into soft butter - it splits the coconut with ease, and you spit out two chunks.


Your stomach growls. You roll your eyes and begin to eat the coconut’s meat - it tastes rich! Richer than you’ve ever remembered coconut tasting, for that matter. You devour both halves of the coconut, then throw the empty husks aside. You pick up a second, then proceed to do the same thing. Then, a third, and then a fourth.


By the time you’ve finished the fourth coconut’s insides, your stomach feels more content. Perhaps not full - it would take more coconuts to feel full, you figure - but certainly not hungry now.

Written by Hollowpages on 21 May 2019

Both Keep Walking

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