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Harpy emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The announcer called out with a booming voice. He spoke of the type of creature you had to go up against. Knowing you were up next only made your excitement build up even more, yearning to make your teacher proud as he watched from the sidelines.
You had felt confident that you could take whatever could have been thrown at you, as you were supplied by Hades himself, the best possible teacher you could have worked with.
“And now we bring out the equine and the Harpy! Halfling versus halfling, what a show we’re to have today!” The booming sound of the crowd cheering started once again as the doors began to slowly rise, illuminating the dark hallway you stood by, in preparation for your battle. You braced yourself, running through the threshold as you clutched your gear. You looked upward to see a feathered creature careening towards you from far above.
Their wild hair whipped through the air behind them, in a deep nosedive directly towards you.
A hideous woman-like creature, with a bony feathered protruding spine trailing down her back. Her forearms stretched and twisted into broad wings spread wide, riding the wind, and almost upon you. With calm focus you grip the handle of your sword, drawing it high above your head just moments before the creature came in to attack you.
“Wow that was almost my head.” You say to youreself, as you turn to watch the Harpy laughing, spinning around in the air to face you once more, and staring you down with piercing rage. Coming in fast, the harpie spread her talons towards you once again, the sharp turns she made through the sky in your direction guide her with even more speed from the sky above. You prepare yourself for another attack as she comes within meters from you.With all your might, you strike with your sword, hard and true. What do you do?

Written by Driftingdragon on 23 April 2020

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