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You take your meat with you and get closer to Tal. You see tears in his eyes. He turns to you.


“Don’t you have your own food to eat? Get away from me!” Tal snaps.


“What’s wrong?” you ask.


“Nothing.” He says, looking away from you, and tending his makeshift plate grill. “Why would you care anyway?”


“Care about what?”


“I said it’s nothing!” he growls.


You await there in silence as Tal tries to ignore you, but ultimately can’t.


“I’m sorry I snapped at you.” He finally says. “I just… I’m just upset that I missed my big chance today.


“What chance?” you ask.


“I was so close in my ambush today, I could have snuck up on her, I would have taken her on. if nothing else… I could have wounded her, but then she spotted you and left.”


“Are you talking about Ganesha?”


“Who else?” he clenches his fist, you see drops of blood dripping from his within fist.


“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were hunting that elephant-**.” You apologize.


“Well, now you do. But that’s not why I’m upset.” Tal flipped over his skinned Chinkara calf with deft speed and precision. “When I saw how quickly she could have crushed you, I realized how easily she could do the same to me.”

Written by PrinceZahn on 29 October 2017

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