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In that moment, you see another flash of sorrow cross the wolf's features. But still, you don't know why.


She shakes it off once again, forces a smile, and gestures over the fountain to the city beyond.


“Or... there's a whole world out there for you to learn about. I'll help you. Others will too, of course. Whether you tell them who you are or not, I can't imagine anyone not being thrilled at the idea of helping someone find their vocation in life. Helping someone find out that one thing, that special gift which will make them happy.”


She reaches out a hand, almost without thinking, and takes one of your hands in hers. She squeezes, and only then seems to realise what she's doing. Lira doesn't withdraw though. She just smiles another of those smiles with sadness and concern behind them as she finishes what she has to say.


“Whatever you choose. Whatever you do with this opportunity. Just know that I'll be here. That I'll be ready to help any way I can, t-to make sure that whatever you choose, it's something worthy of who you are. W-who you were"

Written by Jeeves on 15 September 2017

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