The next few days
The next few days, you realize, are some of the happiest that you have ever experienced in your life. Your interactions with Cid are more than enjoyable… and when he comes out to greet you each day he even brings you a snack!
You are now on your fifth day as living as a Selkie… your memories of being a human are slowly being replaced by these new fond memories you have with Cid. You feel a little saddened each time he goes home, but after having made the cave where you met your own new home you feel confident he’ll keep coming to see you. This confidence builds all the more as each day he faithfully shows up, right on time.
But today, you realize, Cid is late. Your tail swishes thoughtfully from side to side, a bit of worry gnawing at you. This is unlike him, especially after he makes his promise at the end of each meeting to be back the next day.
Has something happened to him, you wonder?
You wait another minute, then two, gaze longingly focused on the bend in the rock.
But still Cid doesn’t show.
The worry you feel begins to grow worse as your mind begins to think of things that have potentially happened to him. Slowly you shift from the floor and make your way towards the entrance of the cave.
Once there you peer around, but still there is no sign of Cid. You furrow your brow and glance towards the direction of the town, pondering your options.
You could always try going to going to the town yourself. The thought scares you a little bit but what if Cid is hurt or something? You’d feel even worse if he was in a situation you could have helped him with.
You’re scared, there was no doubt about that. But you have grow close to Cid since you’ve come here. It would feel wrong, so very wrong, to just ignore the fact that his pattern was broken. Even if going into town might put you at risk with the humans should they, for whatever reason, decide a Selkie is not welcome among them.
Written by HiddenFruit on 29 August 2017