Confront The Trespasser!
You are a wild animal now and this is YOUR territory. You’re not just going to let someone else waltz in and start taking your prey! Floofing up your fur you start stalking through the grass once more. The intruding fox is another vixen and thus only a threat to you. You are, by no means, willing to share territory with another fox until you secure yourself a mate and the dominant position for your territory.
When you find the other vixen she has killed and is eating the prey that you yourself turned your nose up at -- the porcupine. A territorial dispute is about to start and you feel damned sure that you won’t be given up anything in this fight. The fur around you is raised, particularly along your bushy tail, making you seem larger and more intimidating.
You ignore the fact the other vixen is eating and lunge for her right foreleg, aiming to clamp your jaws down upon the upper part of her leg. The other vixen lets out a screech, your attack successful. Blood pools into your mouth as you clamp down harder, hoping to stress the bone and give this other fox something to remember you by. But you’re neglecting one fact -- she can fight too.
The other vixen snaps at your left ear since you are more or less facing her direction. The other vixen is less than pleased with you interrupting her meal, and it seems that she had the same sort of mindset as you did about the area. This is a prime territory… there was bound to be competition for it.
Though you feel pain it merely fuels the anger you feel towards the other female for invading the territory you’re trying to claim. You let out a snarl, snapping your jaws upward towards the other vixen’s face now. A yelp and the firm feel of her flesh in your mouth tells you that your attack was a success. You feel a bit of pride -- you could do this! You were going to win this territory and keep it, come Hell or high water!
The battle waged on for another minute or two, the snapping of jaws, drawing of blood, and fur flying filling the scene. But at last your efforts paid off as the other vixen backed down, turning tail before running away.
You were victorious!
Now you could lay claim to not only your prize of the territory but the rest of the other vixen’s meal as well. You padded closer to the porcupine, mindful of the quills as you lowered your head to the soft belly and began to feed. The bloody meat was good, easing the pangs of hunger that were within your gut as you ate more and more from the creature. After a while you felt full and you drew away from the remains of the kill. Now you had to figure out what to do next.
Written by ShatteredBeginnings on 27 December 2016