Pegasii of a feather...
"So, I suppose they gave this to you too when you got here?"
"They gave me the house, but I made the hammock myself. I found the sofa when I was coming back the other day, bought it with my first few coins. I have what... six, seven, eight silver coins."
"Sounds like a rough start. Listen, that barn's not exactly something I call a home, maybe a workshop at best. As for building my own place, I don't see that happening for a long time seeing how brilliantly I did today..."
"Theotokos, are you asking to move in?" Katie asked with a grin, giving a quick kick of her hoof.
"I'm saying that we're two of a kind right now, and that since we'll be counting our coins to make ends meet, we might as well pool what we can. Am I such bad company?"
"No, no you're not. All right, this'll be as much home to you as me. I don't know what our trainers will say, but for one, I couldn't feel happier right now."
"I could have toes and so could you." You reply with a smile. "We'll figure this mess out together. So, what's cooking?"
Written by Craven on 30 May 2010