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Space Station emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Your wings stretch out and you fly upwards, towards the stars. Suddenly, you hear a voice from below: "Hey! What are you doing up there?"


"I'm flying!" You reply as control of your body returns to you.


"In a space station?" the voice asks.
You look down to see a small pink hamster in a spacesuit looking up at you. "I didn't realize we had a sphinx on board. When did you arrive?"
"I only just arrived" you say. "I'm not really a sphinx, either. I was just turned into one recently."
"Oh, cool," the hamster replies.
"Who designed your body?"he asks.
"I don't know?" you say "I put a costume on and become this body"
"Me too!" the hamster says.
"Do you know how to turn back to human?" you ask.
"You have to find another costume and another one" he says "until you have found enough to turn back"
"How many are there in total?" you ask.
"400" he says. "That is if you want to get home as soon as possible. If you want to be fully human it will take 800"
"Why does it not just work like when I put on the costume in the first place?" you ask.
"You would need to find a human costume for that. And the 'Game' is designed to not give you a human one" he says.
You think for a moment, then ask "Where are the nearest ones?"
"They are hidden. If I could find one I would not be stuck here" he says.
"What is this place, then?" you ask.
"You are in a space station." The hamster says. "This is my house. I am here all the time."
The hamster turns and enters his house through a small door. You try to follow him, but find the doorway is too small.
"Hey! Can you make the door bigger?" you shout.
"This is not an entrance!" he shouts back. "It is a goodbye! Farewell, stranger. May the ways of men leave you alone."

Written by Ai Dungeon on 06 December 2020

Both Apartment

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