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You’re too afraid to stay where you are. You figure either you get caught by staying there or you can make a jump for it and have the possibility of getting away. Jumping, although scarier, sounds like the better option to you, simply just because there is an actual possibility of getting away. You study the distance between the branch you’re on and that one for a few more seconds, preparing yourself mentally. You don’t want to take too long and give them a chance to catch up, so you tense your muscles and launch yourself at the branch. Or at least that’s what you had hoped would happen. In reality, your legs — which you had forgotten were critically damaged — didn’t launch you up nearly high enough, screaming in intense pain the whole process. You choke out a cry as you realize that the failed attempt at a jump put you just under where your arms could reach for the branch, and you start falling. The branch you were on wasn’t too high off the ground, but as you were sailing towards the bottom, you knew it was going to hurt. This of course was echoed by the fact that before hitting the ground, you hit the branch you had grabbed onto to get on the tree, and it splintered and fell with you, not stopping your momentum at all. You hit the ground with a loud thud, and your vision was filled with white flecks of light, you realize that are from your head also hitting the ground particularly hard. You curse inwardly as you think about how stupid of an idea trying to jump had been. How could you have forgotten that your legs were that hurt? Your world started to go black once more, and as your vision narrows, you see the wolves quickly approaching.


When you awake this time, you realize you aren't in the cave like last time. Of course, you think, why would they trust you to be put in the same situation again, when you ran last time?


You look around you and it seems like you’re in some sort of box. It is very spacious, and the walls, floor, and ceiling are all made of what looks like hardened clay. You notice there isn’t anything in this box except for a door on the opposite wall and a window on the wall to your left.

Written by Pandachannnnn on 26 March 2017

The end (for now)

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