Eastern Dragoness
The door shut down at your behind pushing you inside the room, in exasperation you look back where you enter but there is not a door anymore, trying to look for a escape you scratch the wallpaper without result, you check the other wall of the door looking for a hollow empty sound, surprised it worked, the last knock you give cause the fake wall to open, showing at you a wardrobe with a lot of disguises, as you shake them looking for a door behind them you see a paper that fall “no one leave without a second skin”-
You grumble a bit frustrated, looking for a camera, as the request make you feel suspicious that this place was a way to get just recorder of girls getting naked, of course you had the luck to get to a female Mythological sky room. If you needed to get a disguise at least you will pick one that you might find it interesting. You always had something for dragons, so taking the chance to dress as one was a silly chance to try, the silliness get doubled as, in the way you expected, all disguise have clearly been made for a female user, You thought to yourself that if you find yourself on a YouTube video dressing with it you would kill the user who put it on.
You look between the clothes until you pick the first disguise that seems to resemble a dragon, the leather is covered by blue glowing sequin that seems to be crocheting to it hand by hand, the head and the tip of the tail have a soft red fur that feel quite pleasant at touch and it smell with a pleasant aroma. You undress and put the clothes on, they feel quite tight and unnatural, feel the fake breasts pressing against your chest make you feel quite awkward but at the same time make you blush, you grumble as you adjust the rest of the clothes pushing your male body on the tight felling female disguise.
As soon as you pull up the zipper it detaches from the disguise with a “plick” metallic sound, you feel a shivering that run down your neck, you feel how your torso press against the leather, your neck stretch as you can feel the fake fur of the disguise getting more sensitive for yourself as the time pass, your male torso stretch like a piece of taffy, your hips get wider as well as your chest, the felling of your mouth stretching inside the draconian muzzle of the disguise make you fall on the ground, you squirm on the ground as your spine starting to elongate and your legs push aside to give space to that grow, the sequin make a tingling sound as the disguise tail slap against the other clothes as you can feel how you are making it move, you can feel how your feet stretch, how the uncomfortable felling you were having with the gloves vanish as inside the disguise your five fingered hand becomes more reptilian inside the gloves, with four sharps claws, you feel a tingle sensation that make you release a drown shout as you can feel how your personal organs seems to be retracting and shaping to the opposite gender, the sequin of the leather feel more realistic as you scratch them, as you shed what seems scales, your chest feel way to different now, more sensitive as you feel new sensation that you are unfamiliar at.
You pick the Zipper from the ground and try to put it back to the clothes without use, soon you realize that you have been transformed into what the costume was; an anthropomorphic eastern dragon and a female one!.
You grasps in anxiety, this wasn’t a joke for YouTube or similar, before you can take in the reality of your new form, the room starting to dissolve under your paws, and crack of energy starting to tear the reality away, as the reality tear open you can see the sky and an infinite land, as the room starting to vanish the Gravity seems to pull you down, you fall in shock as the last remain of the room vanish in front of your eyes, you look at the tree leaves approaching at a high speed, which surely will harm you if you fall on it. As you close your eyes awaiting the impact and hoping that you will fall down your bed, your hair starting to glow red under the sun and what you were expecting didn’t happened. You don’t know how, but the pull that gravity had on you stops, you are flying.
You are high above the ground, your hair glowing as you feel mythical energy holding you up, you rubs your eyes and check your claws, you close and opens you eyelids in quickly succession, but it have no luck on awake you, in fact it’s making you more aware that you have two pair of eyelids on each eye, one vertical and one horizontal, you look around and notice that in the middle of the forest there is a river that flows toward a lake. Far of you it seems there is a Small village, closer to you there is a Mountain Range, and you can see what appears to be a cabin on the nearby mountain.
Now…. What do you do?
Written by Luckery on 24 September 2014
The end (for now)