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Go to family room emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You wanted to leave, but your body wouldn’t allow you. The mundane words coming from your parents’ mouths rang out lowly and in a deep monotone as they continued their endless lecture. Your head begins to bob as you listen to the droning boring tones of their voice, their lack of variety as they spoke was extremely off-putting to you.


Some time after, the initial formalities, the king and queen began to get to the point of why they had brought you here: Politics. You try not to groan, even more bored about the option you’ve found yourself taking place in. The queen turns to you, opening her mouth to explain the process to you a bit more clearly.


“The only way for us to settle with any of the other kingdoms is through marriage.” the queen stated calmly to the king, his regal stoic face remained staring forward, lost in thought. “What were you thinking dear?” She continued, as to engage the king.

Written by Driftingdragon on 12 April 2020

The end (for now)

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